You can see consumer reports about an accuracy of Pocket Geiger series. All topics have been cited from our Facebook group.
In park-area in Fukushima-pref. On the top side of the picture, dose-rate reading on public monitoring post is 0.134uSv/h and PocketGeiger shows almost same reading (0.13uSv/h). On the bottom and left side, PocketGeiger shows 0.25uSv/h where the monitoring post shows 0.24uSv/h, and on the bottom and right side, PocketGeiger shows 0.33uSv/h where the monitoring post shows 0.325uSv/h.
福島市渡利 花見山公園入り口駐車場。 地区の除染を施工中でやや線量は下がってきています。
Watari-area in Fukushima-prefecture. PocketGeiger Type4 versus official monitoring post. Radiation level is decreasing day by day thanks for decontamination.
We can see two monitoring posts in elementally school where all children have evacuated. One is solar-powered. I measured at the level of 1m for 20min. (Pocket geiger vs two official Monitoring Posts, 2012.4.19)
I measured radiation level using PocketGeiger near a monitoring post in a kindergarten, at the level of 1m, for 30min. Radiation level seems low because decontamination operation has been carried out. The readings are quite the same. (PocketGeiger vs public monitoring post, 2012.2.19)
Government monitoring post shows 0.453uSv/h and PocketGeiger shows 0.42uSv/h for 10min measurement, near a park. (Government monitoring post vs PocketGiger2, Date-city, Fukushima-pref., 2012.2.26)
(HORIBA Radi vs PocketGeiger2, Yokohama-city, Kanagawa-pref.,2012.1.29)
(ALOKA PDR-111 vs PocketGeiger, Indoor, North area of Fukushima-prefecture, 2012.2.10)
(A micro hot-spot has been detected by PocketGeiger, on the ground in a nursery, 60km from the nuclear plant, Koriyama-city, Fukushima-pref., 2012.3.28)
カリフォルニアの原子力発電所San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS)で、放射線防護技師として働いている方から、 ポケガの使用レポートが届きましたので、許可を得て掲載いたします。 現地でも正常に動作しており、 業務用の線量計と同じ値を示しているとのことでした。
(PocketGeiger vs BICRON, reported by radiation protection specialist at SONGS nuclear power plant, California, USA, 2012.1.27)