This section shows latest compatibility table of PocketGeiger Type3 with Android devices, according to users' reports.
モデル Brand and model | 放射線閾値 Radiation threshold | ノイズ閾値 Noise threshold | 反転 Reverse |
Asus MeMoPad HD7 ME173 | 8% | 25% | ON |
Fujitsu/Toshiba ISW11F(ARROWS Z)
表示されるので、イヤホンマイクを選択。 Select earphone-mic after connecting the detector. | 15% | 38% | - |
Fujitsu/Toshiba F-05D(ArrowsX LTE)
※認識せず / No detection
| NG | NG | - |
Fujitsu/Toshiba F-12C
Dual detection of radiation and noise pulse | NG | NG | - |
Fujitsu/Toshiba F-10D | 5% | 5% | - |
Fujitsu/Toshiba F-04E | 5% | 5% | - |
Fujitsu/Toshiba F-11D
※ノイズ過大 / Too much noise
| NG | NG | - |
Fujitsu/Toshiba F-05E
※ソフトウェアが動作しない / The App does not work
| NG | NG | - |
Google Nexus 7 (2012)
マイク入力なし / No microphone input
| NG | NG | - |
Google Nexus 7 (2013) | 20% | 20% | - |
Google Nexus 5 | 4% | 10% | - |
HTC ISW12HT (EVO 3D) | 8% | 30% | - |
HTC ISW13HT (HTC J) | 10% | - | - |
HTC Aria / S31HT | 20% | - | - |
HTC Wildfire
The app is sometimes unstable. | 8% | 10% | - |
HTC HT-03A | NG | - | - |
HTC Desire S (Saga) | NG | NG | - |
HTC Desire SoftBank X06HTII
It takes a couple of minutes to enable GPS feature | 15% | 12% | ON |
Huawei GS02 | 3% | 3% | - |
Lenovo IdeaPad Tablet A1-07 | NG | NG | - |
LG L-07C (Optimus bright) | 7% | 7% | - |
LG L-01D (Optimus LTE) | NG | NG | - |
LG L-05D (DoCoMo) | 4% | 4% | - |
Motorola PHOTON ISW11M | 5% | 15% | ON |
NEC/Casio N-06D | 10% | 10% | - |
Panasonic P-01D DoCoMo | 12% | 12% | - |
Samsung SC-02B (GALAXY S) | 7% | 7% | ON |
Samsung SC-05D (GALAXY Note) | 5% | 5% | - |
Samsung SC-03D (GALAXY S II LTE) | 7% | 7% | - |
Samsung SC-01C (GALAXY Tab) | 25% | 25% | ON |
Samsung SC-02C (GALAXY S2) Japanese version | 10% | 10% | - |
Samsung GALAXY S4 EU/Germany ver. | 10% | 10% | - |
SC-02C (GALAXY S2) International ver.
0% NT means disable
| 90% | 0% | - |
Samsung SC-06D (Galaxy S III) | 3-5% | 4% | - |
Samsung SC-01D (GALAXY Tab 10.1 LTE) | 15% | 15% | - |
Samsung Galaxy Young (GT-S5360) | 15% | 10% | - |
Samsung Galaxy S3 mini (GT-I8190) | 8% | 12% | - |
Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 (GT-I8160)
0% NT means disable
| 50% | 0% | ON |
Samsung Galaxy S5 (SM-G900F)
Does not work well
| 1% | 5% | - |
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (GT-P7510) | 5% | 25% | ON |
Samsung Galaxy Tab (GT-P7500)
the App is sometimes unstable. | 15% | 25% | ON |
Sharp SH-06D | 20% | 20% | - |
Sharp SH-12C (Aquos phone) | 15% | 15% | - |
Sharp IS05 | 15% | 15% | - |
Sharp IS03 | NG | NG | - |
Sony-Ericsson SO-04 (Xperia gx) | 10% | 10% | - |
Sony-Ericsson SO-03D | 7% | 7% | - |
Sony-Ericsson SO-03C (Xperia ray) | 2% | 2% | - |
Sony-Ericsson SO-02C (Xperia acro) | |||
Sony-Ericsson SO-01C (Xperia arc) | 5% | 5% | - |
Sony-Ericsson SO-01B (Xperia) OS2.3 | 30% | 30% | ON |
Sony-Ericsson IS12S (Xperia acro HD)
Android 4.0
| 4% | 5% | - |
ViewSonic ViewPad 7e
マイク入力なし / No microphone input
| NG | NG | - |
※反転がONとなっている端末では、必ず設定画面からReverse Inputをチェックしてください。詳しくはマニュアルを参照してください。 / If `Revers' is ON, turn on Reverse Input in setting menu. For more information about it, check on-line manual.
※TBD: 評価中のため未決定であることを意味します。 / To be determined
※NG: 非対応機種であることを意味します。 / Not supported
For users who have unlisted Android device(s)
You can check if PocketGeiger Type3 support your Android device, using a checklist below.
You can check if PocketGeiger Type3 support your Android device, using a checklist below.
- お使いのAndroid端末のOSバージョンが、2.2以上であることをご確認ください。 / Your Android OS is 2.2 or later.
- お使いのAndroid端末に、3.5mmステレオミニプラグ(4極)方式の「マイク入力」があることをご確認ください。 / Your Android device has 3.5mm stereo connector and microphone input in it.
- Androidアプリはこちらからダウンロードできます。お使いの端末で起動することを確認してください。 / Check if the App runs on your device or not.
Your Android device is ready to use Type3 if above checklists are clear.
Please determinate and report parameters on your Android device!
●レポート内容 / Reporting items
Please determinate and report parameters on your Android device!
You can determine parameters (threshold and reverse flag) for any Android device in the following way. Please report and share the parameter.
●レポート先 / Please report to- Facebookグループもしくは、お問い合わせフォームまで。
- 「3機種以上」のレポートをいただいた方には、ポケットガイガーType3をもう1つ無料でプレゼントいたします! (リストにない機種に限ります、ご住所の記載をお忘れなく。)
- You'll get one extra PocketGeiger Type3 for free, if you report parameters for three or more models which are unlisted. Please write down your post address.
●レポート内容 / Reporting items
Please report following items.
- 購入した国 / Country of purchase
- メーカー/ Manufacturer
- モデル / Model
- 閾値(%) / Threshold
- 反転かどうか / Reversing input or not
●閾値の決定方法 / How to determine parameters
Set following provisional parameters on setting menu, according to on-line manual.
- Radiation: 5%
- Noise: 5%
- Trigger: 30.0sec
- Reverse Input: OFF
On the provisional parameters, thresholds for Radiation and Noise are very low (5%) to detect radiation pulse rapidly, and Trigger time is long (30sec) to observe the pulse wave.
メイン画面に戻り、Input Wave画面に切り替えてください。そしてON/OFFボタンを押して、測定を開始してください。もし放射性物質(汚染土壌、ランタンなど)をお持ちの方は、より早く検出するためにポケットガイガーの近くに置いて下さい。
Back to main screen and touch InputWave button, and start measurement by touching ON/OFF button. If you have radioactive material, set it onto PocketGeiger to detect radiation pulse rapidly.
The radiation pulse will appear one or couple of minutes later, as below.
放射線パルスの波形が反転(Reverse)になっていないか確認してください。反転している場合は、下のような波形(初めに下方向のパルスを検出)になっています。この場合、測定をいったん停止して、<Step1>に戻ってReverse InputをONにしてから再測定して下さい。このとき、Clearボタンを押してホールドされている波形を消去してから測定を開始してください。
Check if the pulse has been reversed or not. If reversed, you can see the wave profile as following. Then, back to <Step1> and turn on Reverse Input and try again. Touch Clear button to erase current, holding wave shape before measurement.
Determine adequate threshold as shown in the figure below. Back to <Step1> and reconfigure threshold and check radiation pulse until you find it. Remember touching Clear button to erase current, holding wave shape before measurement.
注意事項 / Notes
If your Android device has not detected a PocketGeiger, you can see your voice profile as below. Then restart the device or insert and remove a cable.
When vibration noise detected, you can see big wave profile as below. Then, touch Clear button to erase current, holding wave shape before measurement.
謝辞 / Special thanks for